Marinero, Isabella

Mission Specialist

Isabella is a safety at Columbus Magnet School. She has been safety three times in a row. She is also a part of the  Young Astronauts program at Columbus. Isabella has been a part of the Young Astronauts program since first grade. Last year and this year, Isabella won the sit and reach out of the third – fifth grade. 

During her spare time she practices her competition dances and she stretches her legs, arms and back and practices her back handspring. She also plays games on her tablet or does  any homework that needs to be completed like young astronaut homework or school homework. 

After leaving the Young Astronauts program at Columbus, Isabella plans to continue studying science; she wants to be a pediatrician when she is older. After Isabella is done with college, she will need to go to four years of medical school, three years to complete a general pediatrics residency and two years in a residency.

This year the young astronaut mission is important for many reasons. This mission is honoring the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 and Apollo XII. They are known for being the first two manned missions to the moon. Isabella is very excited to be a part of the Young Astronauts mission dedicated to Mr. Perschino, who started the Young Astronauts program at Columbus more than 30 years ago.

Isabella’s personal heroes are the people she’ll love until the very end, her parents; she knows that they will care for and love Isabella for there rest of their lives. She knows that they will always be there for her and will never let her down.