Traub, Risa

Flight Director (Flight)

Risa Traub is a fifth grader at Columbus Magnet School and has been a Young Astronaut since the first grade. In Kindergarten Risa won first place at the Norwalk Citywide science fair for her project on non-organic versus organic food and drinks. During third grade Risa ran for student council, but did not make it. However, she persisted and made it in fourth grade. While part of student council, Risa helped come up with new playground rules, collected and brought non-perishable food to the Open Door Shelter and figured out ideas to make CMS a better place for all students. In fifth grade Risa was selected to be a school safety where she helps guide students during dismissal and keeps them safe.

When Risa has free time she enjoys playing soccer. She has played on a competitive soccer team since she was four years old. Last year her favorite position was goalie, but now she is realizing that she might be better at forward. She has had some unforgettable moments with her team.

Risa is also a very fierce Lacrosse player for Norwalk Junior Lacrosse. She has played in the attack position, but is quickly become amazing at defense. Unfortunately, last year in the middle of the Lacrosse season she broke her wrist while on the monkey bars and was in a cast for about one month which cut her Lacrosse season short. She is excited to get back on the field this season.

Risa also loves to perform on the stage. She has been in several shows at Crystal Theatre and at Columbus Magnet School. She is currently Rafiki 1 in the The Lion King which is expected to open in early March. She has memorized her lines and thinks she is ready!

Risa knows that she is very lucky to be in this year’s Young Astronaut mission. She thinks that she understands that the purpose of the mission is to honor Mr. Perschino and the 50th anniversary of the remarkable Apollo 11 and Apollo XII missions. She loves learning about Apollo 11 and Apollo XII and is surprised that it is already the 50th anniversary for both of these missions. She thinks it is very special that the Young Astronauts are also honoring CMS’s very dear and loving friend Mr. Perschino as the main part of their mission.

Risa’s heroes are her parents, her brothers and her dog. She thinks they are always there for her, help her, cheer her up and most importantly love her so much, even though they might not always show it.

When Risa grows up she is thinking about possibly being a dentist, a teacher or a professional soccer player. She wants to be a dentist because she enjoys going to the dentist and getting her teeth checked which is odd. She wants to be a teacher because she loves going to school and learning about new things. She also wants kids to learn as much as she does and have fun while they are learning. Risa wants to be a soccer player because that is her favorite sport and she really likes watching soccer on the t.v.and yelling at the players to “just shoot already”.

Risa is not sure what role she wants for the mission, but loves many things that could involve many jobs. She is also very good at math, a good problem solver, a team player, is very helpful and likes to be involved. Risa is also very friendly.

Oh, yeah, Risa also thinks that CINC has some really cool ties :)!