William Traub


William Traub has recently been selected for Student Council and hopes to make CMS a better place.  Since kindergarten, William has consistently entered the school science fair and has either won 1st or 2nd place and once won 3rd place in the citywide science fair. His soccer team won the league championship, his flag football team was undefeated, and his baseball team was ranked best in the league.  William enjoys the violin and plays in the orchestra.

He is currently in the 5th grade chorus and in Crystal Theatre.  He is a budding actor, and has been in three shows, including Sleeping Beauty.  He  has been in Cub Scouts since 2nd grade, is currently working towards his Arrow of Light badge and will be in Boy Scouts soon.

In his spare time, William is an avid reader.  He loves reading about mythology, fantasy and science fiction. When he was four his dad read Harry Potter to him as a bedtime story and he has loved the wizarding world ever since.  William excels math and is strong communicator.  William likes to play Dungeons and Dragons.  Naturally after leaving Young Astronauts William wants to be in the space program and will do anything to go into space as a profession.

William is thrilled for a fictional themed mission because he is a fan of Star Wars and it has had a big impact on his life.  He knows how favorite fictional heroes like Luke Skywalker, Buck Rogers, and Tom Smith and their worlds have influenced so much in the real world.

In the Young Astronaut mission, William hopes to be either mission specialist or CAPCOM. He believes his communication skills and leadership ability will help him and his fellow Young Astronauts make this mission the most successful mission yet.  William hopes to follow in the footsteps of the Young Astronauts of the past, including the honorable John Glenn, as well as make footprints for the future Young Astronauts.

His personal heroes are his parents and C in C because they have made him what he is today, and will forever be his role models.